Saturday, August 24, 2013

Aug 23

Woke up early to the wind beating against the lake of the clouds hut. Looking outside I realized we were socked in and the temperature had dropped. We packed our gear, put on warm clothes and started the exposed 1200ft climb. The wind was Howelling gusting at 56mph. With a wind chill of 29 deg. Multiple times on the climb I had to use my poles to stay standing due to the winds. Once at the summit we took pictures and found shelter from the elements.

After an hour break we headed back out into the cold, the walk was beautiful once the clouds started to recess. The trail began to get more and more rocky. Six miles into the day my feet were killing me. Unfortunately I think my Super Feet insoles are wore out. Continuing through the Presidential range we made it to Madison Hutt where I washed some dishes for soup and coffee. Heading back on trail we began the climb up Mt. Madison, a mountain that consist solely of medium size boulders, it began taking a toll on my feet almost instantly. At the summit we had a snack and began the long decent towards Pinkham knotch. Osgood campsite was our planned destination but upon arrival we realized it was full. It would be dark soon so we continued down the trail, finally we gave up and camped in the middle of the trail. I didn't even bother putting up the tent I just layed out my ground cloth and sleeping bag and went to sleep. In the morning Riggs and I will leave out early to get to town so he can catch a shuttle to his van and I can make the post office before the close.

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