Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Aug 24-26

Saturday morning Riggs was up early and heading towards Pinkham knotch to catch the Early shuttle. I Left soon after him, nothing seemed to be as the guide said. I kept walking anyhow. After about 4 miles of walking I came out into a pay camp area...not on the AT. Turns out the night before we didn't take the turn we were supposed to at the Osgood campsite, probably due to the fact we were exhausted and it was nearly dark. I continued walking down a road till I hit Hwy 16 and hitched into Gorham NH to the post office. Later in the day we all reunited and got a hotel room. We had a great night, there were alot of our hiker friends in town. After everyone went there seperate way, Leaks, sunshine and I snuck into the hot tube area to relax.

Sunday we went to the grocery store and grabbed some food to cook on a fire. Bratwurst, corn on the cob and potatoes. We had decided to zero in the woods to save money. After saying bye to Riggs after a great week of hiking, the three of us found an awesome stealth site way off trail and across a river to take our zero. Leaks, sunshine and I sat around all day telling stories and jokes over a few semi cold beers.

Today Leaks left out early to hike back to the visitors center where a friend of his had left some mystery trail magic. Sunshine and I slept in way to late and we lost leaks. We began the 2800 ft climb up the first Wildcat mtn. It was long and steap, but to make it even more challenging all the rocks/boulders were slippery from last nights rain. We moved slow and explored the rock crevasses which were really cool. Towards the end of the day we decided to stay at the Carter knotch hut, and do some work for stay. This hut stay was the best of all, all the hut caretakers were really cool and gave us a ton of food. Once dinner and the work was done, sunshine and I went out to Couch rock with one of the caretakers. The three of us chilled on the rock overlooking the lake and played with laser pointers. Now back at the hut I sit on my sleeping pad on the floor and prepare for bed. Tomorrow we should finally be out of the whites.

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